For fifty years the Belin Arts Scholarship has funded the noble arts of painting, sculpture, photography, music, drama, dance, literature, and architecture, helping to bring success to the fortunate recipients, as well as joy to an appreciative public.
“…absolutely affected my ability to pursue my art,”
Sophie Till
“This was something I had been dreaming of, but had not been able to accomplish,”
James J. Peck
“Winning allowed me to fulfill my dreams to live as a successful musician,”
Jill Van Norstrand
“…to complete an ambitious body of work,”
Pamela Parsons
“This experience precipitated my career as a professional visual artist.”
William Chickillo
“…the foundation for my current work,”
Karl Neuroth
“…a confirmation of much hard work”
David Price
“a born opera composer,”
Richard Wargo
“ I’ve become a better and better pianist and a deeper artist.”
Barry Hannigan
“…allowed me to expand the parameters of my work,”
Shelly Thorsenson